Saturday 27 December 2008

Almost definately completely unsure...

My self-imposed deadline is up: I must now definitely decide my options for next term. I say definitely because I've made seventeen different decisions already this holiday, and then changed my mind...

I'm not completely thrashing about naked in the paddling pool; I've almost definitely dismissed Script and Business Writing, so that just leaves three choices to be funnelled into two: Novel, Non-Fiction and Features.

Crafting the Great British Novel has been my secret yearning since discovering Janet and John on a faded, vomit-stained carpet in infant school. Just to clarify: I was on the carpet, not Janet and John - I think I may be dangling my modifiers or misplacing my participles, but it's late, so please forgive me; you know what I mean.

Anyway, a semi-okay novel bearing my name would be cool, but, alas, unlikely; statistically speaking, the chances of being published are as slim as a coke-snorting stick-insect.

Non-Fiction is a different kettle of water; if you have a book idea and you want your name on an uncreased virgin spine, then this is your pathway to publication. Unfortunately, the one idea I managed to squeeze out, after hours of pulling constipated faces, has already been done...

Writing Features is my third possible choice. I've left this one til the end because I don't really know what to say about it - possibly because it's such a huge and varied subject area, or possibly because I actually missed the introductory session last term and I really don't know what to say about it...

To do, or not to do: that is the question...

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