Saturday 3 January 2009

May God bless Friends Reunited...

I've recently made contact with an old friend, Sue. We lost touch after leaving college twent - I mean, a couple of years ago...

Well, of course, we played the, 'do you remember when...' game. There was this huge ampi-theatre in the grounds and we used to take blokes there after the student bar had shut and force them to stumble all the way to the bottom and back up to the top again. If they managed this successfully, we'd consider going out with them. I wonder what happened to those guys who didn't make it back up again...

One February night, we 'borrowed' a boat from the terribly exclusive private school next door, and sailed it round our swimming-pool. And yes, of course I fell in. I went down clutching a cider bottle, gurgled back up and waved to shore. I went under, gasped back up and waved again. This jolly routine continued until finally, a guy called Pete cottoned-on, realised I was actually drowning and leapt to the rescue.

I emerged shivering, coughing-up green pond-scum, embarrassed but victorious; even as my life flashed before my eyes (several times), I'd kept a firm grip on the cider bottle.

Was I rushed to hospital? Did I need my stomach pumped? Nah, we got changed and carried on the party in Sue's room.

1 comment:

sara carney said...

Why, thank-you kind Reuniting Friends person. When I've got over the shock of remembering the last lot of escapades, I'll check-out your site and see if I can hook-up with any other old buddies!