Thursday 15 January 2009

Eye Can't Take Anymore...

And yet another fun-filled week in the Carney household. After suffering severe facial pain, nerve tingling and blisters popping up on my left eye-lid, I took my sorry arse to the doctors and was diagnosed with shingles. Oh, joy.

Now, when you catch chicken-pox, the virus stays in your body forever. Bouts of stress, other illness or even rays of strong sunlight can re-activate the virus in your system. Instead of dickering your whole body with spots, it runs along one nerve. And it is EXTREMELY painful...

If you can imagine some miserable git scraping a boiling-hot darning needle across your scalp, through your eye and into your gums every thirty seconds, you've got some idea how it feels. All of Santa's elves are suddenly resident in my head, where they bang and bash and hammer together wood and metal for next year's toys.It makes my whole head go into spasm, and one eyeball judders and bounces in its socket. And it is EXTREMELY painful...

The fuck-up fairy was obviously enjoying this spectacle sooo much, she decided to blow some magic shingle - dust into my eye. Oh, double joy. My eyeball is now scarlet, half-closed, swollen, itchy and weeping gunk. Every thirty seconds, it judders and bounces and rolls around in its socket as another spasm strikes. And it's EXTREMELY bloody painful.

Tomorrow, I must attend the hospital, where they'll prod, poke and drip noxious drops into my poor, vulnerable eyes, to check there is no corneal ulceration.

Oh, and did I mention that shingles is EXTREMELY bloody painful?

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